Sense Sells: An evening of Multi-Sensory Exploration 


Next month, ‘i-am’ will host an evening of multisensory exploration with a talk given by sensory consultant, Paul Schütze. Our event, entitled ‘Sense Sells’, will consider the ways in which the five senses can be engaged by brands to delight their customers.

Many brands focus much time and attention on what their brand should look like, yet a surprising number neglect to consider what their brand should sound or smell like. By focussing on just one or two of the senses, brands waste valuable opportunities to engage with their customers on an emotional level.

Here at ‘i-am’ we specialize in creating 360-degree brand experiences that sweep customers off their feet. A fundamental aspect of this philosophy is that a brand experience should be delightful on every front: sight, smell, sound, taste and feel. The sensory cortices of the brain are closely linked to areas dedicated to the processing of emotion; the senses therefore offer an important route for a brand to establish meaningful bonds with their customers.

The event will be attended by leaders from the worlds of fashion, food and retail and Paul’s talk will focus on exactly why ‘Sense Sells’ in these diverse sectors.

If you want to speak to our experts about the services we offer, get in touch!

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